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Hip Mobility Part 1: Stretches

Need some hip mobility throughout your day or during your exercises? Below are all great stretches to perform before working out and also throughout your days whether working or on the go! The exercise is a fantastic one for cueing activation of the core, glutes and low back prior to working out. 

GENERAL TIP 1: Always remember in exercise to focus on that hip and neutral spine bracing which includes tightening the abs (not a crunch but a static activation) and tightening the glutes (as my one choir teacher always called “pinch a penny”). This will cue the “bracing” mechanism for the low back and hips which will help with form and ultimately help you avoid more injury.

GENERAL TIP 2: One last thing I always need to say is remember: if you are walking up to the weight and only thinking about moving it… STOP… and consider how you are going to do it.

Adductor Stretch

Remember: Start with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. If needed, you can widen your stance more to get a deeper stretch. Keep your torso straight and sink through the side that is being stretched. On the side that the knee is bent, consider turning the toe slightly out to help with stability. Having something to place a hand on is not a bad idea.


Posterior Hip Stretch (Piriformis/Glutes)

Remember: Pull evenly with both the hand on the ankle and the knee toward your chest first. Then, lean in bringing the center of your chest toward the knee. For some who are flexible, you may have to rotate a bit more over the knee to get the optimal stretch.


Hip Flexor Stretch

Remember: The leg which is knee down will be the leg that is stretched. First place forward foot out just past your knee. Then, keep your torso neutral with your eyes on the wall in front of you. Sink forward through the back hip. This will make you feel the stretch through the front of the back thigh, hip, groin. To accentuate the stretch, lean slightly backward and toward the forward leg.


These stretches can all be done together in a sequence. The amount of repetitions and sets will change per person, but don't overdo it on your first round! 

If you're feeling any pain during these, stop and consult your Chiropractor, PCP or physical therapist for more specific examinations of the hip. 

Don't miss next week: Hip Mobility Part 2: Foam Rolling and Exercises



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